Lyrics (see in English below):
Emo synnytti minua, mie vaan syitä synnyttelin.
Emo hellytti minua, mie vaan hiusta hellyttelin.
Iso kasvatti minua, mie vaan kassan kasvatin.
Kasvo miulle kassa pitkä, kassa pitkä, tukka tuima.
Hius heliä hienokkainen, pellava pion pituinen,
Lumi vaahen valkehuinen, meren vahon valkiainen.
Meni velloni Virohon, setoini suka-mäel’,
Toi suan sukamäeltä, harjan harjusmättähält’.
Menin rannalle kesolla, parahalla paistehella,
Puhetessa putken juuren, lehen kannan kasvaessa.
Hius heliä hienokkainen, pellava pion pituinen,
Lumi vaahon valkianen, meren vahon valkiainen.
Niin menin liki meroja, meren rannalle rajahin,
Istusin meren kivelle, meren paaelle pamahin.
Päästin kassan kaunokkaisen, hajotin haluset hiukset,
Halusille hartioille, laain lau'an polvelleni.
Alon päätäni sukia, hiuksiani harjaella,
Kiirehesti kampaella, suortuvia sommitella.
Sulpahti suka merohon, päätyi lauta laineen alle,
Kampani kalavetehen, sukani kiven rakohon
Mie vaan tyttö pikkarainen, matalainen marjukkainen,
Katalainen karpaloinen, alahainen armotoinen
Istuin maahan itkemähän, kiven päälle kiljumaan.
Kävin itkien kotihin, kollotellen kartanolle.
In English:
My mother birthed me, I grew the strands of my hair.
My mother gave me love, I gave mine to my hair so fair.
My father brought me up, I brought up my head of hair.
So I grew a head of hair, long it became, long and stern.
“Hair fine and exquisite, long as threads of flax.
Hair pale and fair, white as snow and foams of seas.”
My brother travelled here, my kin travelled there.
He brought me a comb one day, he gifted me with a brush.
I went to the shore in summertime, basking in the sun.
The earth was full of new sprouts, leaves bursting from the trees.
“Hair fine and exquisite, long as threads of flax.
Hair pale and fair, white as snow and foams of oceans.”
So I went close to water, to the shores of the sea.
So I went on a rock, sat on the wall on the sea.
I let my fine hair loose, let it rest on my shoulders.
I let my hair fall down my back and laid all of it on my knees.
I started to groom my head, to brush my hair so fair.
I combed with haste, composed those wisps.
But so fell my comb in the sea, it sunk down below.
Amongst the fish in the sea, amongst the seafloor stones.
So there was I, girl little and small.
So there was I, girl vile and grim.
Down with tears, up with screams.
Cried the road back, wept my way home.
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